About Us

Welcome to our website.

Tim & Mary Weidenhaft

Exploring the wonders of the world through travel is an absolute delight. There is something truly magical about immersing oneself in different cultures, experiencing new cuisines, and witnessing breathtaking landscapes. Whether it's strolling through the bustling streets of a vibrant city, hiking up a majestic mountain, or lounging on a pristine beach, each destination offers a unique adventure waiting to be discovered. From the iconic landmarks to the hidden gems off the beaten path, traveling allows us to broaden our horizons, gain a deeper understanding of the world, and create unforgettable memories.

Traveling the world offers a unique opportunity to connect with Christians from different cultures and backgrounds. As we've embark on our journey, we have had the chance to meet fellow believers who share the same faith but may have different perspectives and experiences. Engaging with Christians from various parts of the world has broaden our understanding of the faith and deepen our own spiritual journey.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Photos taken last year
Honey produced last year
Miles on truck
Other Stuff